Three Years Diploma in Electronics Technology
Electronics is that branch of science and technology which makes use of the controlled motion of electrons through different media and vacuum. The ability to control electron flow is usually applied to information handling or device control. Electronics is distinct from electrical technology, which deals with the generation, distribution, control and application of electrical power. Most electronic devices today use semiconductor components to perform electron control. The study of semiconductor devices and related technology is considered a branch of physics, whereas the design and construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems come under electronics engineering. This study focuses on associate engineering aspects of electronics.
Future Opportunities
- Student can continue Education in various Universities in Pakistan and Foreign Countries.
- Initiating their own business as a Technician.
- Sub-Engineer in Television & RADIO, PTCL, Public Health, Research Institutes, SUI-gas and in other Electronics and Cellular industries.
- Career in the Industrial zone.
- Opportunity as a Charge man in Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, OGDC, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited and Mobile Industries.
- Junior Lecturer in Technical sector.
Faculty - Electronics Technology Department
Govt. College of Technology, Multan
Imran Ashraf
HOD Electronics Deptt.
Chief Instructor
Electronics Technology
Saeed Ahmed Abbasi
Sr. Instructor
Electronics Technology
Farrukh Jamil
Jr Instructor
Electronics Technology
Muhammad Hussain
Jr. Instructor
Electronics Technology